Premature purchasing decisions can be costly for a supply chain in regards to lead times, service levels, costs, and company income. Making right decisions when choosing suppliers implies the evaluation of alternatives in reliability and costs, and finding balanced supplier combinations to improve cost-effectiveness and mitigate risks.
The anyLogistix (ALX) sourcing planning and optimization software tool allows you to model your network and select suppliers based on experiments made with your supply chain sourcing simulation model.
ALX uses scenario testing and optimization to give strategic sourcing analysts data to support supplier choice decisions. Analysts can use it to find the most profitable supplier combinations, while taking into account policies’ constraints and hedging risks. ALX can:
ALX can help users decide how to fulfill their internal demand at stores, warehouses, or manufacturing sites. Users can choose sourcing policies based on results of models representing their supply chains with the level of detail required for their problem. ALX can:
The ALX sourcing optimization software tool provides managers with more decision support data of better quality than traditional analytical supply chain tools. The ALX’s unique simulation modeling feature can: