
 Videos: Deep dive into supply chain issues
Videos: Deep dive into supply chain issues

Gavin Wilkinson

We produce webinars to illuminate supply chain issues and deep dive into the ways in which anyLogistix can help improve your supply chain design and management. Here we are releasing a batch videos from our previous webinar series.

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ALX training in Seoul, Bangalore and Hong Kong
ALX training in Seoul, Bangalore and Hong Kong

Sofia Ivanova

Summary and photos from anyLogistix Supply Chain Design and Optimization events in the APAC region over the last few months in Seoul, Bangalore, and Hong Kong. Read on for more...

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AnyLogic and DataDevelop in Strategic Partnership
AnyLogic and DataDevelop in Strategic Partnership

Gavin Wilkinson

It is a great pleasure for us to announce that The AnyLogic Company and DataDevelop Consulting Ltd. have entered a strategic partnership. DataDevelop Consulting Ltd. has become a distributor of AnyLogistix in Hong Kong, China.

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Supply chain master planning demonstration video
Supply chain master planning demonstration video

Sofia Ivanova

Supply chain master planning aims to synchronize production, storage, and transport with demand.

Check out this video and see how anyLogistix provides detailed insight for a real business case – distribution network in France with a cheese factory.

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Supply chain greenfield analysis demonstration video
Supply chain greenfield analysis demonstration video

Gavin Wilkinson

Supply chain Greenfield Analysis helps determine where to locate your warehouses and factories for a business case scenario.

Check out this video and see how anyLogistix provides detailed insight for a real business case – selling chocolate bars in Poland.

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Digital, Resilient and Sustainable Manufacturing 4.0 - IFAC MIM 2019
Digital, Resilient and Sustainable Manufacturing 4.0 - IFAC MIM 2019

Gavin Wilkinson

The focus of the 9th IFAC MIM Conference in Berlin this August is digital, resilient, and sustainable manufacturing 4.0, and anyLogistix is leading a technology workshop.

The workshop, Supply Chain Simulation and Optimization for Industry 4.0 and the Digital Transformation, will demonstrate key technologies helping drive competitive supply chain innovation.

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Supply chain software user survey
Supply chain software user survey

Gavin Wilkinson

We are always working to make anyLogistix better and we want your input.

If you are an anyLogistix user, please fill out this short five-minute survey. We’d like to hear how you use anyLogistix, what can be improved, and the functionality you’d like to see.

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Digital Modeling for Logistics Decision Making
Digital Modeling for Logistics Decision Making

Gavin Wilkinson

Simulation met reality as logistics professionals and researchers from across Europe assembled in Munich for the Digital Modeling for Logistics Decision Making seminar. The event demonstrated simulation platforms, how they are used in industry, and the advances they are bringing to supply chain logistics.

See photos and get the presentations from the event...

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anyLogistix 2.9.1 Released
anyLogistix 2.9.1 Released

Gavin Wilkinson

We have added new experiments and optimization features to anyLogistix in response to customer feedback. The 2.9.1 release of anyLogistix also brings three new example models for you to explore, plus a handful of performance and bug fixes. Read on, find out more, and get the updated Studio and free PLE versions.

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anyLogistix Datasheet – Software’s Feature Guide
anyLogistix Datasheet – Software’s Feature Guide

Egor Yakovlev

Whether you are looking for a supply chain analytics tool, getting familiar with anyLogistix, or just want to learn about new advancements in the supply chain design domain, it’s worth looking at the ALX datasheet. Accompanied by a detailed explanation of each feature, the datasheet will introduce the software's key functionality to the supply chain design community.

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